
1987 RENKEN Dawsonville GA

in Dawsonville, GA


Seller note:

Performance Closed Bow Better hurry! Recycling begins in September. Classic go fast boat hull cut for cobra power. The boat hull only with no Cobra parts is only $850. The cobra transom assembly with y pipe and and rams is an additional $650 with the boat. We have rebuilt motors for $1650 or used dreesed drop in motors for $2500. We also have rebuilt drop in motors for $3000. The outdrive needed will be$900 with boat purchase. We can rig it for you using our motor or yours. The pictured trailer is only $650. We can redo the interior from $900 and up. Cool boat lots of options offered. Drop your motor system in this unique 19' performance cuddy. LML 9.1.12
Fuel Type: Gas
Engine Type: Other
Stock number: GA6322RL

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